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Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Praktikum Jaringan Epitel dan Jaringan Otot


Struktur Hewan I



1.1.            Goal


f  Membandingkan perbedaan struktur anatomi pada jaringan epitel dan jaringan otot.

1.2.            Basic Theories






1.3.            Tools and Materials

a.        Tools

j  Microscope

j  Stationery

j  ….

b.        Materials

b  Preprat 



b  ….



1.4.            Working Procedure


Amatilah, preparat-preparat yang telah disediakan, hasil dari pengamatan menggunakan mikroskop dengan perbesaran yang tepat !

     1. Jaringan Epitel Silindris Selapis dari irisan melintang usus halus (small intestin)

     2. Jaringan Otot Polos 

     3. Jaringan Otot Lurik

    4. Jaringan Otot Jantung 

ü  Gambarkanlah hasil pengamatanmu pada kolom yang tersedia !


1.5.            Observation Result


Preparate : Jaringan Epitel Silindris

Preparate : Jaringan Otot Polos

Reagen    :

Reagen    :

Size       :

Size       :











Preparate : Jaringan Otot Lurik

Preparate : Jaringan Otot Jantung

Reagen    :

Reagen    :

Size       :

Size       :
















1.6.            Questions

1.     Jelaskan ciri khas susunan anatomi yang terdapat pada jaringan epitel usus halus ?






2.    Buatlah tabel perbandingan dari 3 jenis otot, pada kolom di bawah ini!



Otot polos


Otot lurik


Otot jantung






Jumlah & Letak Inti













Link Terkait

Animal Tissue Part 1                  https://youtu.be/bHXmjxOekOY

Animal Tissue Part 2 (Epitel)     https://youtu.be/vjyb2mr6_YE

Pendahualuan Praktikum dan Jaringan Otot  https://youtu.be/sPd8RjpXmJY

Building Model of DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis





Building Model of DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis



1.1.            Goal


f  To study DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis using models



1.2.            Basic Theories.

















1.3.            Tools and Materials

a.        Tools

j  Toothpick or matches

j  Plasticine in 8 colors


Note : other materials may be used, such as color papers, markers, scissors, and glue.


b.        Materials

b  ….

b  ….

b  ….

b  ….



1.4.            Working Procedure


Make a three- or two-dimensional model as follows.


·        DNA molecular structure

Make a model that shows the double-helix configuration of deoxyribose, phosphate and bases of DNA.

·        DNA replication

Make a short model of DNA (about 10 nucleotides). Then make the replication model.


·        mRNA formation

Build the transcription mechanism of DNA into mRNA by determining the DNA template.

·        Control of mRNA on protein synthesis

Build models of amino acids, tRNA, and short chain of mRNA. Show how translation on the base sequence of mRNA into protein is done.

·        Ribosome work

Make two ribosome models. Move them along the chain of mRNA to show translation and its product of polypeptide chain.












Write down the working procedure explained by your teacher in the column below !

































1.5.            Observation Result (materials may be used, such as color papers, markers, color pencils)


a.        short model of DNA (about 10 nucleotides)

















b.        The replication model.















c.        Build the transcription mechanism of DNA into mRNA by determining the DNA template.



























1.6.            Questions


1.    Why does translation occur in ribosome?






2.   Write down the different components of DNA and RNA.